Allii Fontaine '15: My College of Distinction Story

Elmira, NY (08/29/2018) — Elmira College has again been recognized by Colleges of Distinction for its innovative approach to education, along with its expert blending of the liberal arts with professional programming in business, education, and nursing. Alumna and oncology nurse with Rhode Island Hospital, Allii Fontaine '15 shares her College of Distinction story with us.

"Flashback to December 2010. I was a high school senior who had zero clue where I'd be come Fall 2011. I walked into my guidance counselor's office with nothing but a dream of being a pediatric nurse and the hope that he would find the perfect fit for me. By the end of our meeting, he convinced me to go and check out this small private college in Elmira, New York. I researched the nursing program and discovered the numerous scholarship opportunities that would be available to me. After a couple of hours spent on the school's webpage, I found myself registered for a campus tour of Elmira College in January of 2011.

Being a small town girl from the smallest state of Rhode Island, New York always meant New York City and nothing else. But boy was I in for a surprise when my five hour car ride with my mom lead me to the city of Elmira; hills and valleys, long winding roads, schools and churches, a single mall and...Elmira College.

At the corner of Park Place sits a gate that opens up into the world of the Purple Bubble. I walked into Hamilton Hall and immediately felt something that could never be replicated. I was welcomed by khakis and purple polos, but most importantly, I was welcomed with smiles. There was not a single moment during my tour where I felt out of place or overwhelmed. It was a perfect fit from the moment I stepped foot onto the octagon cobblestones.

Before I left for home that day, I was officially, and happily, prepared to be a member of the Glorious Class of 2015.

There is something about Elmira that is quite unique. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it is, but I think that's part of the magic...It's impossible to say what it is, because it's truly everything about the place that makes Elmira College what it is. Maybe it's the quirky beanies that every student wears during orientation. Or perhaps it's the school songs that you will never forget, no matter how long you are away from Elmira's hallowed halls. Or maybe it's the love and dedication that you feel from each and every professor, administrator, coach, and staff member. Nursing school is difficult...beyond difficult...but to walk into a classroom day after day and have a professor know your name, your story and what you need to succeed? That makes all the difference.

I became involved from the get go, quickly realizing that it was easy to find something that piqued my interest. There was a club for absolutely everything and endless opportunities for leadership. By the end of my freshman year, I was slated to be a tour guide, resident assistant and orientation leader the following fall. I wanted to give current and future students the opportunity to feel the way I did when I first walked onto campus. I was always busy, and the beauty of it all? I always wanted to be. There is not a single moment I regret...because I was always doing something that mattered.

The Elmira College nursing professors and staff truly made me the nurse I am today. I had an exceptional internship at the University of South Alabama Children's and Women's Hospital working in pediatric oncology because Elmira College took the steps necessary to make it work for me. The professors supported me when I was at my lowest, struggling to understand a concept but they cheered me on at my highest, when I succeeded and finally got to add BSN and ultimately RN to the end of my name. I can never thank them enough for believing in me.

I found my place at Elmira. I was not just Allii Fontaine the nursing student. I was Allii Fontaine '15, the nursing major, theatre minor, resident assistant, Gold Key tour guide and president, orientation executive, Student Association executive board member, member of Chiclettes, but most importantly, I was Allii Fontaine '15 the mentor, confidant, and friend.

I made some of my best friends at Elmira College...three who I met on day one at orientation...and we still talk to this day. Elmira College is more than just an institution of higher learning. Elmira College is a place of friendships, memories and a home. Elmira College is family.

Flash forward to July 2018. I am Allii Fontaine (sometimes you'll still here the '15 tagged onto the end) the oncology nurse and theatre performer. And most importantly I am still Allii Fontaine the mentor, confidant and friend.

To Elmira College, all I can thank you."

Media Attachments

Elmira College has again been recognized by Colleges of Distinction for its innovative approach to education, along with its expert blending of the liberal arts with professional programming in business, education, and nursing. Alumna and oncology nurse with Rhode Island Hospital, Allii Fontaine ’15 shares her College of Distinction story.