Recent News

Elmira College Presents Term III Musical on May 19 and 20
The Elmira College Theatre Program will close out the academic year with the musical performance of Edges: A Song Cycle. The public is welcome to attend on Friday, May 19, at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, May 20, at 2:00 p.m. in the Gibson Theatre of Emer...
May 3, 2023, 8:58am EDT

Elmira College extends program expertise into career-focused programs
As part of Elmira College's strategic plan to bring a liberal arts education together with professional programs, the College recently added two minors and two Business Administration concentrations that complement and enhance existing programs. Each w...
Dec 13, 2022, 10:05am EST

Students Are Soaring Into Leadership Thanks To New 10-Week Program
Syeda Neha Wajahat '25, an Elmira College Finance and Accounting double major from Pakistan, came to the United States looking for experiences that would go beyond her textbooks. She wants to grow and develop as a leader. So, when Wajahat was invited t...
Sep 22, 2022, 4:14pm EDT

Elmira College Launches A New Website
If you previously visited the Elmira College website, you may have noticed it now looks different. In addition to an updated look and feel, one highlight is that information is now grouped for different audiences, including prospective students, curr...
Sep 13, 2022, 2:00pm EDT

Elmira College Again Ranks High In Multiple U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Lists
Today, U.S. News & World Report announced its Best Colleges rankings and Elmira College continues to rank well based on factors such as access to professors, graduation and retention rates, impact on the community, and student success. Some of the ke...
Sep 12, 2022, 3:02pm EDT

New Sustainability Leaders Strive To Make Elmira College Better And Better
On Tuesday, recipients of the Sustainability Scholarship met and toured the Sustainability House, which will serve as their meeting space and renovation practice area this academic year. As part of the program, the four students, each from a different...
Sep 8, 2022, 1:21pm EDT

Elmira College Launches New Type Of Academic Support Program
A new pilot program at Elmira College uses a proactive approach to improve academic achievement among its students. Instead of waiting to identify students who are struggling with a course, the Supplemental Instruction program targets courses that typ...
Sep 7, 2022, 9:34am EDT

Melissa Conroy Featured In Upcoming George Waters Gallery Exhibition
The George Waters Gallery opens its fall 2022-23 season with artist Melissa Conroy's exhibition "Listening in Slow Motion," a conversation between textiles and drawings. Campus and community members are invited to a free opening reception from 4:00 p.m...
Sep 6, 2022, 10:25am EDT

Washington Monthly Ranks Elmira College in Top 20
The Washington Monthly released its national rankings on Monday, with Elmira College coming in at #18 out of 259 Best Bachelor's Colleges in the nation. For this list, the monthly news publication compares colleges based on three broad categories: so...
Aug 31, 2022, 9:15am EDT

Elmira College Receives Grant from The Mildred Faulkner Truman Foundation
Elmira College recently received a generous grant for the tenth consecutive year from The Mildred Faulkner Truman Foundation. The $15,000 grant-in-aid is distributed to selected Tioga County, New York, students who have demonstrated financial need for ...
Aug 30, 2022, 9:22am EDT