Emerson Liscum Diven Prize Awarded

Elmira, NY (06/24/2020) — Each year the Emerson Liscum Diven Prize is presented to an Elmira College senior who has high academic achievement and has contributed the most scholarly work in biology. The Prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Biology. This year, Andreas Endresen '20, has been awarded the prize.

"Recognition for this award is greatly appreciated because it displays that one's enthusiasm and interest in biology and the natural sciences does not go unnoticed by the professors," said Endresen. 'The natural sciences faculty at Elmira College have facilitated a milieu where students can enjoy the curriculum while learning challenging material. Showing interest and aptitude in their courses has been nothing but a delight, and the concepts I have learned will follow me further in my studies. For that, I thank the natural science faculty."

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