Move-In Monday: Pack List

Elmira, NY (07/15/2019) — The Fall Term is quickly approaching and so today kicks off our summer "Move-In Monday" series. Over the next few weeks, the Residence Life team will share tips and tricks to get new students packed, moved, and settled into life at Elmira College. Starting with what to take to college, and what to toss into the "stay-at-home" pile.

Before you start shopping, here are the items that the Residence Life team recommends you pack. Many big-box stores create their own college supply list, but the EC team pulled together this list below to get you started.

Items to take to college:

If you forget something, don't worry. There are many shopping options, such as grocery, discount, and big-box stores, all located within a 15-minute drive from campus.

More importantly, here are the items to toss into the "stay-at-home" pile:

If you have questions about your residence hall, pack list, or anything else in-between, the Residence Life team is here to help you. Click here to learn more about each of them.

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