Thank You Campus Safety

Elmira, NY (01/09/2020) — On this 2020 National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, we take a moment to say thank you to the Elmira College Office of Campus Safety.

Under the leadership of Steve Vann, director of Campus Safety, the EC Campus Safety Office is available to the EC community 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. Services provided through Campus Safety include emergency preparedness, parking permits, assistance with automotive services (flat tire, keys locked in a vehicle), and late-night escorts across campus. Campus Safety also offers "No Eagle Left Behind," assisting students who are off-campus with a safe way back to campus.

Beyond assisting the EC community, Campus Safety goes above and beyond, maintaining a close relationship with local authorities, assisting them as necessary. Recently, members of the Campus Safety team, which includes an Emergency Medical Technician, came to the aid of a person injured in an automobile accident near campus. The Campus Safety officers assisted the injured person out of harm's way, contacted local authorities, and attended to the injured individual throughout the incident. In a follow-up email to College administration, the individual commented, "…your staff made me feel safe and cared about. Thank you for hiring such valuable workers."

Thank you Campus Safety, and local law enforcement, for the work you do every day to keep our campus and community safe.

Media Attachments

The Office of Campus Safety, located in the Cory House, is available to the EC community 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year.